2 : Some Basic Questions


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A fully comprehended God is no God

I would like to discuss with you some of the basic things that relate to your most valuable possession, your soul. For instance:

Is there a God?
Is the Bible true?
Is man accountable?
Is there divine forgiveness?

These are some of the problems which perplex those who think seriously about the future. How may I know there is a God?

I have an innate conviction that God exists. No matter how my intellect has tried in the past to produce reasons proving He does not, or however much I have wanted to believe that there was no God, that “still small voice” came to me again and again, just as it has come to you in the quiet of life’s more sober moments. Yes, I knew that at least for me, there was a God. And as I looked at others, I realized how many were looking for God, seeking in “religion” to silence the same voice that spoke within me.

True, there are some men who don’t believe in God. But to me, the problems of unbelief in god are greater than the problems of belief. To believe that unaided dead matter produced mind, that mind produced conscience, and that the chaos of chance produced the cosmos of order as we see it in nature, seems to call not for faith but for credulity.

No true son demands that his father prove himself. Neither does his father see the need to, for he has revealed himself by many irrefutable and loving proofs. So it is with God. Therefore, in the Bible, there is not one word that seeks to explain God. The evidence of God is everywhere: only the blind will not see.

Thought: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God” (Psalm 14:1)
Prayer: Open Thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law.


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This audio CD is approximately 59 minutes, divided into 34 chapters.

Edited by Dr SH Tow

The Reason Why Audio CD


Please note that the last paragraph of some chapter texts may not be present in the audio tracks.